
SECTION 1.01: The Blue Knights International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club, Inc., Texas Chapter V, also known as Blue Knights, Texas Chapter V is hereinafter referred to in these By-Laws as Chapter V. Chapter V is an affiliated member of the Blue Knights International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club, Inc., 38 Alden Street, Bangor, Maine 04401, hereinafter referred to in this By-Laws as International.
SECTION 1.02: Chapter V shall have and follow By-Laws as presented by the Board of Directors and voted on by the general membership; however, in no case will any business of Chapter V be done in conflict with the Constitution and By-Laws of International. Where specific issues are not addressed by Chapter V By-Laws, but are addressed by International By-Laws, the International By-Laws will apply.
SECTION 1.03: The purpose of Chapter V is:
To promote a better image of motorcycling
To promote social fellowship, harmony, and closer personal friendships among the membership
To assert a wholesome influence on the public toward respect for motorcycling and public relations for Police Agencies in the State of Texas
SECTION 2.01: The five membership classifications in accordance with International are:
Regular Members – Persons who are full time (32 hours per week minimum) employees, with arrest authority, of a governmental law
enforcement agency or department. Such employment must be the primary source of employment of all Regular Members. Persons receiving
disability income, job reclassification or retirement benefits from a governmental law enforcement agency or department shall follow the
designations as cited in International Constitution.
Associate Members – Persons who are employed, with arrest authority, on a part time basis (less than 32 hours per week, minimum 96 hours
per year) by a governmental law enforcement agency or department and receiving monetary compensation for such employment. Persons
receiving retirement benefits or have taken an honorable separation (health, retirement, age, or injury) from a governmental law enforcement
agency or department shall follow the designations as cited in International Constitution.
Honorary Members – Persons who have substantially contributed to the promotion of International and/or Chapter V motorcycle safety and
enjoyment, or to the development of the sport of motorcycling, may be designated honorary members. In accord with International By-Laws,
persons must be proposed in writing by at least 3 chapter members. The Chapter V board will then make the determination whether the
nominee qualifies as an Honorary Member. Honorary membership may not exceed more than ten percent (10%) of the previous year’s
membership of Regular, Associate and Life Members of Chapter V with International. Honorary Memberships will be reviewed and
evaluated annually by the Chapter V Board of Directors as designated in International By-Laws.
Life Members – Life Members are restricted to the Founding Fathers of the International and Past International Presidents in good standing.
Special Honorary Members – May be granted to an ordained member of a recognized religious order for the position of Chapter Chaplain.
This is limited to one person and will not affect Chapter V’s ten percent (10%) honorary limit.
SECTION 2.02: Members must be properly licensed to drive a motorcycle by the State of Texas or the State/Province of residence and must own a motorcycle, excepting however, that persons who otherwise qualify as a member but do not own a motorcycle, may become members if they have plans to own a motorcycle and do in fact acquire ownership rights in a motorcycle within six (6) months of their acceptance as a member.
SECTION 2.03: A member who because of an injury or medical or physical condition is unable to continue riding a motorcycle may retain his/her membership with Chapter V.
SECTION 2.04: Membership in Chapter V shall terminate:
Upon the death of member
Failure of member to pay annual dues for Chapter V and International on or before the due date
Submission of a written or verbal resignation by member to a Chapter V Officer
For cause in accordance with International By-Laws
SECTION 2.05: All Regular, Associate, Honorary, Special Honorary and Life Members in good standing shall have the right to vote on general business submitted to them by the Chapter V Board of Directors or as presented at the general meetings. The Presiding Officer’s vote shall only be counted in the event of a tie vote. There shall be no voting by proxy at any Chapter V meeting.
SECTION 2.06: The Presiding Officer at any meeting where a vote of the members is taken shall make the determination whether a particular member is in good standing and thus eligible to vote. If the Presiding Officer makes such a determination at the meeting, the determination shall be subject to a vote of the membership qualified to vote if the Presiding Officer’s ruling is questioned.
SECTION 2.07: Chapter V recognizes and acknowledges spouses and friends of the membership. They are welcome and encouraged to attend and provide input at the general meetings and scheduled rides.
SECTION 3.01: The elected officers of Chapter V shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Only Regular Members may hold the
offices of President and Vice-President. The offices of Secretary and Treasurer may be held by Associate Members provided that there are no Regular Members available or willing to hold those positions. A single person may hold both the Secretary and Treasurer’s offices. In the event the Secretary and Treasurer are held by one person they shall be considered one position.
SECTION 3.02: With respect to Chapter V business, the powers and obligations of Chapter V Officers shall be commensurate with the powers and duties of International Officers as outlined in the International By-Laws.
SECTION 3.03: The business and property of Chapter V shall be managed and controlled by a Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Immediate Past President, as well as three (3) additional Directors, or if the Secretary and Treasurer are held as one (1) office there shall be four (4) additional Directors. The Vice-President shall serve as Chairperson of the Chapter V Board of Directors. A quorum for the purpose of the Chapter V Board of Directors shall be at least four (4) Directors.
SECTION 3.04: The three (3) or four (4) additional Directors, as applicable, must be elected by the membership of Chapter V at the regularly scheduled election of Officers or any special meeting. The elected Directors positions may be held by an Associate Member provided that there are no Regular Members available or willing to hold those positions.
SECTION 3.05: Officers and elected members of the Board of Directors shall hold office for two years or until his/her successor has been duly elected. No person shall be elected to any office without having been a member in good standing for six months.
SECTION 3.06: The Office of President and Vice-President will limit their term of Office to two (2) consecutive terms, four (4) years. The President and Vice-President must allow one (1) term to expire before holding the same office again, unless there are no Regular Members available or willing to hold those positions.
SECTION 3.07: Vacancy of the Office of President will be filled by the Vice President for the President’s unfulfilled term of office. Vacancy of all other Officers or Directors positions during a term shall be filled by nomination and election by a majority vote of the members present at the general meeting where the vacancy is announced.
SECTION 3.08: The members of Chapter V may establish other positions to be held by elected Chapter V members for the conduct of Chapter V business. Provisions of the Bylaws relating to the conduct of business by the International Board.
SECTION 4.01: Chapter V shall hold a monthly general meeting to be held at a site voted by the members at a general meeting. Special meetings of the general membership may be called as necessary by vote of the Chapter V Board of Directors or upon the written petition of twenty-five percent (25%) of the members. Only such business as is clearly set forth in the notice for the Special Meeting shall be transacted at such meeting.
SECTION 4.02: “Robert’s Rules of Order” should govern the conduct and be used as a guideline at all meetings of Chapter V, unless otherwise provided for in the International Constitution and By-Laws.
SECTION 4.03: At any general or special meeting of Chapter V, the presence of ten (10) members shall constitute a quorum for all purposes. At all meetings of Chapter V, at which there is a quorum present, a majority of the votes cast on any matter before the meeting shall control.
SECTION 5.01: Membership dues for Chapter V will be:
The dues as assessed for International membership in accordance with International By-Laws
The dues assessed for Texas V membership $10.00
SECTION 5.02: Dues for International and Chapter V membership shall be paid in full to the Treasurer of Chapter V on or before December 31st of each and every year. The Treasurer shall ensure International dues are mailed no later than January 15th of each and every year. Any member who does not submit payment for International and Chapter V dues on or before December 31st shall be required to make application as a new member. Full payment for International and Chapter V dues must accompany any application for membership. If it is determined that an applicant is not eligible for membership into International and/or Chapter V, all monies collected for dues minus amount paid divided by twelve per month for the duration of applicant’s participation in Chapter V will be refunded to applicant.
SECTION 5.03: All expenditure checks issued by Chapter V shall require two (2) signatures. The President, Vice-President and Treasurer shall be the authorized signors for Chapter V. The Treasurer will be a signor on all checks unless he/she is unavailable and an emergency arises requiring immediate distribution of any funds approved as set out below.
SECTION 5.04: Expenditures of $200 or less shall require the approval of two(2) of the authorized signors. Expenditures of over $200, but less than $350 shall require a majority approval of the board of directors. Expenditures of $350 or more shall require a majority vote of the membership at a general meeting. If an emergency arises, funds may be expended by a majority vote of the Board of Directors with disclosure of said distribution to be made to the general membership at the next general meeting.
SECTION 6.01: Election of Officers and Directors shall be held every two (2) years (even numbered years) at the November general meeting of Chapter V. Officers and Directors shall serve a two (2) year term from January (odd numbered year) through December (even numbered year).
SECTION 6.02: The President shall announce the upcoming election of Officers and Directors at the August general meeting. The Board of Directors shall prepare a nomination ballot prior to the August general meeting. An official notice of the election and a nomination ballot will be posted on the TX V web site in the “members only” section. A nomination ballot shall be mailed to each TX V member in good standing who does not have Internet service. The nomination ballot may be reproduced or an additional nomination ballot obtained from any of the Directors.
SECTION 6.03: The President shall call for all nomination ballots to be submitted prior to or at the September general meeting. Nominations from the floor at the September general meeting shall be accepted if the nominee is present to accept/decline the nomination or if the nominee has previously been notified and voiced acceptance of the nomination. Nominations by ballot or from the floor shall not be accepted after a motion and a second has been made to close nominations. All nomination ballots must be submitted to a Director to be considered an official nomination. No member can accept nomination for more than one position.
SECTION 6.04: Should the current slate of Officers and Directors be unchallenged (no official nominated candidates), a motion and second from the floor to accept, by acclamation, the current slate of Officers and Directors for another term may be made at the September general meeting. A majority vote of the members present at the September general meeting shall cancel the requirement for an election.
SECTION 6.05: All candidates for Officer and Director positions shall be allowed, if desired, to make a three (3) minute maximum candidacy speech at the October general meeting.
SECTION 6.06: Election of Officers and Directors shall be by written ballot. The Board of Directors shall prepare a written ballot to be mailed to all members in good standing on the rolls of Chapter V. The ballot shall be marked “Official” with a red or blue stamp to ensure reproductions of the ballot are not submitted. Should a member not receive an official ballot by mail, he/she may obtain an official ballot from the Secretary. The Secretary shall note such request in the minutes of the November general meeting.
SECTION 6.07: Ballots shall be accepted by mail or by submission in person to the Secretary at the November general meeting. Chapter V’s official mailing address shall be checked at least one time after 12:00 p.m. and prior to 5:00 p.m. on the day of the election. All mailed ballots shall be submitted to the Secretary prior to the Call to Order at the November general meeting. The President shall call for a motion and a second from the floor to open the election. The members present shall at that time submit their ballots to the Secretary. The President shall call for a motion and a second from the floor to close the election. The Secretary shall then count the number of ballot sheets received and verify that there are not more ballots than members in good standing on the rolls of Chapter V. Should there be more ballots than members in good standing on the rolls of Chapter V, the ballots will not be opened and the election of Officers and Directors shall be postponed until such time as new ballots can be mailed and the election process completed.
SECTION 6.08: The President shall appoint three (3) members in good standing who are not candidates for election and present at the November general meeting to open and count the ballots. The ballots shall be counted a minimum of two (2) times for accuracy. Once the ballots have been counted, the designated spokesperson of the three (3) counting members shall make the announcement of Officers and Directors to the members present. Results of the election shall also be included in the November newsletter.
SECTION 6.09: The Treasurer shall ensure notification to International of Officer and Director positions for Chapter V is made no later than January 15th following the election.
SECTION 7.01: In the event of dissolution of Chapter V, the Board of Directors shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all of the liabilities of Chapter V, dispose of all of the assets to an organization(s) organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, religious or scientific purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization(s) under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future U.S. Internal Revenue Law) as the Board of Directors shall determine.
SECTION 7.02: For the purposes of these By-Laws and any Chapter V business the following terms are defined as:
Member in Good Standing – A person who is still a member of Chapter V whose dues are current and has not been declared to not qualify
for membership by any body having final jurisdiction.
Member Not In Good Standing – A person who is a member whose dues are not current, has been suspended, or has been found to have
committed an act which would give cause for membership to be terminated, but has not had a final hearing and is still in the appeals process.
Non-Member – A person who is not a member, as defined by International, or whose membership has terminated for any reason.
Cause – Cause of action that is legally adequate to sustain a decision to inflict negative sanctions on a member.
Suspension – A temporary and reversible termination of the rights and benefits of membership. This is not a termination of the membership
Removal – The permanent termination of rights of membership.
SECTION 7.03: Notwithstanding other provisions of the Constitution and By-Laws of International, Chapter V may suspend or remove a member for cause. The International Constitution and By-Laws will be followed regarding suspension or removal of a member of Chapter V for cause, the appeals process and final determinations.
SECTION 7.04: Chapter V By-Laws may be amended by additions, deletions or substitutions after such proposed changes have been reviewed and approved by an affirmative vote of a majority of the entire Board of Directors, then submitted to the general membership in writing at least two (2) weeks prior to the scheduled voting at a general meeting. Such amendments shall be effective until and unless they are disapproved by a majority vote of the members present and entitled to vote at the general meeting.
SECTION 7.05: In accordance with International Constitution and By-Laws, any decisions by a majority vote of the general membership for disciplinary action of a member may be appealed to the Chapter V Board of Directors. Disciplinary decisions must be in writing to the disciplined member. If a member is dissatisfied with a decision of disciplinary action, he/she may appeal within thirty (30) days of receipt of written disciplinary notification. Said appeal may be in person or by written brief, in either case, a written brief shall be submitted. Appeals of final Chapter V decisions will be heard at the conference level. An appeal of a final conference level decision will be heard by the International Board or a committee designated by the board to hear such an appeal.